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Alisha Lucia Davidson (she/her) is a freelance illustrator and artist from Canada. She has taught drawing workshops, exhibited her work both locally and internationally and participated in numerous zine and art book fairs.

She works traditionally using acrylic gouache as well as digitally using Photoshop and Illustrator. She creates energetic, empowering illustrations using bold colours that depict the body in motion. Her work explores themes of mental health, body positivity, gender, and interpersonal relationships. She is continuously interested in how she can utilize texture and colour to evoke emotion and covey energy.

Some of her clients include: Best Health Magazine, MacLean’s Magazine, Knix, GoDaddy, Vichy Canada (L'Oreal), Maisonneuve Magazine, City of Toronto, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (Monitor Magazine), Bell Canada, Getaway, This Magazine, Writer’s Union of Canada.